Please Read Our Terms
And Conditions

'The Independent Music Show'

Take Note; There is 'NO PAY FOR PLAY' On 'The Independent Music Show' But, if you wish you can....

Céad Míle Fáilte
(A Hundred Thousand Irish Welcomes)

'The Independent Music Show' does exactly what it says on the tin. Plays the Independent Music of artists and writers from All Over The World.
'The Independent Music Show' features music from Real Country, Rock, Rhythm & Blues and whatever you the Listener would like to hear. Sure you will hear some Mainstream Music on the show, but you will find it hard to figure out who's on Big Budget Production and who isn't….because the Independents are as good and in some cases better, than the Mainstream.

We Are Now Syndicated on Multiple Prime International Radio Stations AM - FM - Satellite & Internet / Combined the Millions

This platform of international promotion has been built up over many years and is being continually enhanced to broaden the international promotional platform for all independent music Artists, Writers and Promoters alike.

Contact us now to have 'The Independent Music Show' added to your stations schedule!

'Featured Artist Radio, Online, & Magazine Campaign'


Gold plan £250 Sterling: 'Featured Artist Radio Campaign'

  1. Featured in Syndication On Multiple Prime International Radio Stations
  2. One of Your Tracks will Start the Show
  3. One of Your Tracks will Finish the Show
  4. Nine Weeks Featured Promotion Display on the The Independent Music Show Website
  5. Featured Promotion Display on ( The Independent Music Show) Mail-Drop
  6. Nine weeks full page spread in 'The Independent Music Show Magazine'
  7. Links to where you want them plus embedded music video
  8. Promotional Write-up to be supplied by artist
  9. Advance bookings being taken
  10. Suitability for airplay to be controlled by show management
  11. Featured Promotion Display; Nine Full Weeks
  12. Syndicated Radio Airplay; Nine Full Weeks
  13. Payable in advance by Pay-pal Invoice
  14. Dates Subject to availability

Silver plan £220 Sterling: Airplay + Magazine & Mail-Drop.

  1. Airplay in Syndication On Multiple Prime International Radio Stations
  2. One of Your Tracks will be included in the Show
  3. Syndicated Radio Airplay; Nine Full Weeks
  4. Play-List Display on ( The Independent Music Show) Mail-Drop
  5. One Month full page spread in 'The Independent Music Show Magazine'
  6. Links to where you want them plus embedded music video
  7. Promotional Write-up to be supplied by artist
  8. Advance bookings being taken
  9. Suitability for airplay to be controlled by show management
  10. Payable in advance by Pay-pal Invoice
  11. Dates Subject to availability

Bronze Plan £189 Sterling: Magazine.

  1. One Month full page spread in 'The Independent Music Show Magazine'
  2. Links to where you want them plus embedded music videos
  3. Promotional Write-up to be supplied by artist
  4. Advance bookings being taken
  5. Payable in advance by Pay-pal Invoice
  6. Dates Subject to availability

Talk to us, we are happy to adjust all plans to suit Budgets and Needs...Email

The Featured Artist Radio Promotion Packages;

The Featured Artist Radio Promotion will not determine weather your work is Play-listed on 'The Independent Music Show'.
There is 'NO PAY FOR PLAY'

The Featured Artist Radio Promotion is a Promotion Package and you determine what is featured in 'The Independent Music Show' Newsletter, Magazine and Website Featured Artist Page in conjunction with 'The Independent Music Show' Management.

'The Independent Music Show' is just that, a Music Radio Show...not a Radio Station.
We Do Not Send Your Music To DJs - We Play Your Music On Our Show.

Your work is played in Syndication on Multiple International Radio Stations who carry 'The Independent Music Show' By our Syndication Partner Stations Throughout the Nine Week Promotion.
That's Gauranteed Plays During The Nine Weeks Of Promotion + A Nine Week Website Page Display and Social Media Promotion + Continued On-Demand Play-Links + Nine Week Magazine Promotion.

All Plans Receive Full Social Media Promotion

'The Independent Music Show' is Broadcast in Syndication airing on Multiple Radio Stations across the World, on a Weekly basis and at different times and dates within the nine weeks of broadcast.

We Are Now Syndicated on Multiple Prime International Radio Stations AM - FM - Satellite & Internet / Combined the Millions

Our Music Submission Policy
All music submission's to 'The Independent Music Show' should conform to the following format.

  1. Types of music files accepted; wave, mp3 = 320kbps, flac.
  2. Submission's of albums or single's should be Song-Named, Track-listed and placed in a folder signifying the artist or band name, with a short text bio', genre and links.
  3. Zip your folder and send to using Dropbox, or any
    other large file sending platform.
  4. Please Read Our Terms And Conditions.
  5. Any submission's not meeting these criteria will be rejected.
  6. Airplay is at the discretion of 'The Independent Music Show' management.
  7. There is no Pay for Play on the show....However all Promotional Campaigns are charged for.


Client Testimonials

Steve Vozzolo Tragic Poet Records

Every now and then, something very good and very special happens in the music business. Being named the "Featured Artist" on Tom Lambert's "The Independent Music Show" is one of those very special events for me.
I am an independent Singer/Songwriter, Recording Artist and Record Producer. I operate my own indie record label, Tragic Poet Records. I have released four CDs and I am currently working on my fifth CD, "The King of Vagabond Road - Songs Inspired by the Paintings of Jack B Yeats." My recent CD release is, "Fifteen Minutes Of Fame - Music Inspired by the Art & Times of Andy Warhol - Steve Vozzolo & The Tragic Poets." My songs have been covered by a number of other artists, most notably, Arlo Guthrie.
The benefits I have enjoyed as "Featured Artist" are quantifiable in that my music has been heard world wide on over 190 syndicated radio stations by many hundreds of thousands of listeners resulting in new fans and increased music downloads and CD sales. My status as "Featured Artist" has resulted in significant interest and airplay for my music by other radio stations, as well. While I do have a presence on social media, Tom Lambert has made an "art form" of effective promotion on social media sites which has also been of great benefit to my music. Also, the acknowledgment, validation and recognition of my music serves as wonderful motivation for me to keep working. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to Tom Lambert and The Independent Music Show.
Warm Regards, Steve Vozzolo Visit Steve

Deborah Henriksson

Being "Featured Artist" on 'The Independent Music Show' has been a GREAT experience for me! Not only did the program air two of my recordings – one to begin and one to end the show – but Tom's commentary sparked extra interest that "only" airplay alone could not supply.

I definitely recommend the Featured Artist promotion to other artists. Visit Deborah

Client Testimonials


It´s a pleasure for an artist to deal with Tom.
The Independent Music Show is a great opportunity fo independent artists to get the word out Tom handled everything very professional.

Many thanks and our appreciation to Tom Lambert. Highly recommendable! Pat Hunt, Randy Miller, Steffen Goeres, Joe Gavito and Raimund Breitfeld / WORLD5..... Visit WORLD5

Marion Walsh

"Tom Lambert's internet radio show is unparalleled. He has a worldwide audience of listeners who appreciate all kinds of music.
Being featured artist on his show was not only an honour, but a great way to increase my fan base.-
Thanks, Tom!"
Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity. Visit Marion

Elisa Brown Singer/songwriter Host of The Heart of Art-on PBS

"Tom's talent for selecting an impressive array of gem stone tunes for his weekly broadcasts is consistently stellar. So, while I was expecting to bookend some great music for my week as the Featured Artist, nothing could have prepared for the caliber of artistry that Tom chose for the week that my recordings were aired.

I was literally blown away -- and truly honored -- to have my works featured alongside such a world class line-up of songs. Thanks,Tom, for getting my music out into the world!

Danie Cortese Entertainment

"I found "The Featured Artist Promotion" to be highly effective for my client. Incredible exposure to appropriate audiences.

A wonderful opportunity for independent talent.


Steve Ratchen From recording artists Division 1.1, The Wizards of Winter and formerly of Alchemy X

Tom is an absolute pleasure to deal with! His breadth of musical knowledge is surpassed only by his affability and charm- Having been in the recording/performing industry for many years, I have worked with a plethora of radio personalities and music show hosts and sometimes the process between artist and media can be confrontational or awkward at best. From our initial contact Tom was nothing but professional while being as cordial as if we'd been friends for years!
This is a man who appreciates the diversity of artists on his programme and truly champions the cause of eclectic, independent music, that is, none the less, every bit as polished and produced as any record you'd hear on mainstream radio! And that is no small feat in and of itself- In an industry that has eroded so badly due to the generic refuse that passes as "music", it is only on programmes like Tom's Independent Music Show, as well as other like-minded grass roots shows that one can hear artists and genres that you would never be aware of otherwise- A noble and imminently necessary endeavor and one that I think Mr. Lambert is excelling in.

Read Our Magazine

Use Fullscreen on magazine to read
Esc on Keyboard to return to website.

Our Magazine covers the backbone of the music industry... 'The Independent Writers, Performing Artists and Bands' but, it costs to produce. If you love Independent Music...

Please Support....JUST CLICK TO DONATE! ....(Pay-Pal pop-up)

Business's support Independent Music by Sponsoring an Artist or Band.

'The Independent Music Show' available..."FREE"... to all bona-fide radio stations for syndication...Internet, FM, AM, MW, Shortwave, Terrestrial & Satellite. Email:

Just to let you know, from Show-date Week/19-July-2024 The Independent Music Show is 57 minutes long with a 3 minutes instrumental at the end to make up the hour.
The new format is to cover Stations & Networks, with Intros & Outros, or those without.

Our Brodcast Syndication Platform

International Stations Airing 'The Independent Music Show' / Our Listenership is in the Millions over Multiple International Radio Stations

List of stations taking the Global Community Radio2 feed at the time

'The Independent Music Show' is airing.

  1. WRAQ, Angelica, New York, 92.7 FM
  2. WNPA, Canton, Ohio , 102.5 FM
  3. WLSL, St. Leo, Florida, 92.7 FM
  4. WYAP, Clay, West Virginia, 101.7 FM
  5. WRST, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 90.3 FM
  6. KBOG Bandon, Oregon 97.9 FM
  7. WXDR New Orleans 99.1 FM
  8. Loudspeaker One, Fort Collins, Colorado Internet Station

    1. Other International Stations We Syndicate With;

      'Mixcloud'  'Radio Munduslingua'  On Demand With 'Podomatic' ' 3rd Strike Lucky Radio'  'Kint98 Radio' Monday 7pm till 8pm '   'RescueFM Radio'  'Digital Revolution Radio Bongo Boy iSpin Radio' Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10am EDT    MAD FM Worldwide' Monday at 1300 NZT. Repeat same time Thursday every week  ' WBRFM RADIO   Veteran Radio UK '  'Krystal Radio'  'Gwent Radio'  'Sound Machine Radio' ' Radio 4 Brainport'  'Cambrian Radio  'MWMN Radio Bringing You Music From A to Z' 'Clonmellon Community Radio'  'Sunset Radio' Bounce-FM
      'The Independent Music Show' available..."FREE"...

      'The Independent Music Show' available..."FREE"...

call today

Our Address

83, The Grange,
Lurgan, BT67 9BU.


Contact Form